
We've meticulously crafted a web SaaS platform and a mobile application tailored for seamless video transcription and the effortless creation of engaging bullet-pointed content, all achievable with just 3 clicks.
The challenge
We were tasked with creating a user-friendly adn intuition interface for an MVP SaaS platform, focusing on video transcription. An equally vital part of our mission was shaping the platform's identity, which included logo creation, the selection of distinctive brand colors, and the aspiration to craft a service that would be both unforgettable and unique."
UI / UX Design
Mobile App Design
Web Design
The user interface provides a seamless experience, offering users the ability to view their downloaded transcription materials, check their processing status, and easily upload new videos. Users can also conveniently monitor their subscription details, including available usage minutes, and access helpful resources from our support center whenever needed.
The transcription results page is designed to provide users with a comprehensive transcription of the video content, with the added option to request a summary for quick reference. The user experience is enhanced with intuitive navigation, allowing users to easily revisit specific sections of the video for playback. Additionally, the platform automatically generates still frames from the video, which can be utilized as images for blog posts and articles, adding an extra layer of convenience and versatility to content creation.
99F Team designer's comment
Alexander Vinokurov
CEO 99F, Art Director
We've created a seamless experience, allowing users to transcribe videos effortlessly and generate engaging bullet-pointed content with just 3 clicks. The design prioritizes simplicity, speed, and user satisfaction, resulting in a user-centric solution.